
"Legis 75"_Outdoor audiovideoinstallation at Munich's old town center Marienplatz. Content including a large-scale videomapping on the town hall ("Neues Rathaus"), theatrical live elements with actors reading historic texts and audio/video archive footage embedded into the music and projections. Performance on 3 consecutive nights as a part of the official programme celebrating 75 years of German Democracy_Graphics and animations by MammasONica__Lars Ullrich

"REM"_Intermedial audiovideo-installation about dreaming and the access to intrinsic images. Venice, Italy 2022_7 videoprojectors / 6-channel audio / translucent gauze / metal bed / fabrics_During a voluntary night at a medical sleeping laboratory in Berlin, more than 100.000 units of brain wave activity during the phases of the artist dreaming were recorded. The soundtrack and visual content of the installation was created on the basis of this data_Exhibited Oct-Nov 2022 at CREA Cantieri del Contemporaneo gallery, Venice, Italy

"Hemispheres" _Multichannel audiovideoinstallation adressing the synchronicity of the two human brain hemispheres _8 videoprojectors/32-channel wavefield-synthesis audiosystem/ 45m curved screen_Visuals by: at "Alte Münze" Berlin-Mitte

"Directions" _Multichannel audiovideoinstallation adressing orientation in the age of electronic navigation devices_6 videoprojectors/30-channel wavefield-synthesis audiosystem/ 180º curved screen_Digital animation: Kento Tomiyoshi Flightgraf.com_Exhibited inside the revolving cupola of the TV-Tower in Dortmund (Germany)

"Abstractions In Concrete"_Multichannel audiovideoinstallation_9 videoprojectors / 36 speaker channels_Created together with visual artist Phil Max Schöll WeltRaumGrafik as a part of the Tech Open Air (TOA) 2017 at Funkhaus Berlin Nalepastrasse

"Revolve"_Multichannel immersive audio-installation in the 128th floor of the Shanghai Tower, city of Shanghai (China). While all elements can never be heard at once, they still all belong to one common composition. This enables the musical composition to be shifted away from a strictly chronlogical array to a rather space-determinded order and sequences. The visitors decide by walking around, or dwelling at a certain point, what parts of the music they hear at what point. 250 separate audio channels (Iosono)

 "The Memory Trace"_Public outdoor audioinstallation adressing the subjective perception of memories_48 channel Iosono wavefield-synthesis 3-D audiosystem_Performed as a part of the "Genius Loci Festival" 2015 in Weimar, Germany

"Chronos Ex Machina"_audiovideo-installation including a live performance on vintage synthesizers presented as a part of the re-opening of the "Deutsches Museum" Munich, after 8 years of reconstruction and modernisation.

"Fluxgate"_4 channel outdoor audiovideoinstallation adressing the impact of the copper coils of loudspeakers onto the magentic field of the ground they are situated on. Displayed at Valentinswerder Island, Tegel, Germany

"Only DAS"_ audioinstallation created together with Theo Altenberg. Exhibited at "Le Son 7 Sound Art Gallery" NewYork

"Vaight II" _4-channel Audiovideoinstallation in collaboration with Theo Altenberg. Theater Volksbühne Berlin

"Cave"_permanent installation at "Altensteiner Höhle" in Thuringia, Germany. Music composition for an audioinstallation in the first chamber, immersive music and sound-design (Iosono) for multiple audio/videoinstallations in the second and thiord chamber (including an underground lake). Video by Phil Max Schöll

"Tal Im Licht"_Architectural audiovideo-sculpture_Micro-videomapping on an 8 meter wide architectural model, 9 projectors, 6 channel sound_Exhibited at: Munich Airport, Terminal 2, Germany, July 2021 - August 2021 and at Pasinger Fabrik, Munich, Germany Oct 2020 - March 2021

 "Insel 1.1 /1.2"_Site-specific 5-channel audioinstallation_Displayed at the circular plaza on Valentinswerder Island / Tegel Lake, Berlin

"Emit_Time"_multichannel audio/videoinstallation including a chamber-choir singing live. Part of the theater-play "Die Villa - Sprung aus der Welt" by Moritz Rinke. Choir composition by Bernd Medek using lyrics by Paul Scheerbart (1910). Directed by Jens Schmidl

And quite some time ago:

"Official German presentation of the first Macintosh Computer" by Apple in Frankfurt am Main in the mid- 1980's_Creation of an audiovideo-installation using an Apple II computer and early software (Basic, Bill Budges 3D, Pascal) at the age of 14. Projection using an early RGB-videoprojector hooked directly to the Apple II and manually synchronized with the music.

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Music for Videomappings, A/V Installations and Large-Scale Projections

"Wo Bist Du - Licht !" Multiple Installations at Bad Homburg Castle, comissioned by the city for the 250th birthday of German romantic poet Friedrich Hölderlin, including a large videomapping at the castle facade and an idle-loop installation at the orangerie which contained additional 4 separate speakerchannels - with actors reciting lyrics by Hölderlin. Visuals by Philipp Geist  

"BAUHAUS 100"_Videomapping for the 100 years anniversary on the original BAUHAUS building facade in Dessau, Germany, including contemporary circus artists performing on the 16 balconies. Visuals by Philipp Geist, Circus Performance by Atemzug e.V.

"Arche"_Music composition, sound-design, field recordings and spatial audio mixing for the immersive 360 degree-installation "Entdeckerhaus Arche" at ZOO Leipzig, Germany. 3D Audio system and surround/ceiling projections plus LED screens create an educational, fully immersive space transferring the visitors into the jungle of Vietnam and other places where wildlife-conservation projects are being carried out by the zoo.

"Kempten 200". Videomapping on the Residential Palace in the city of Kempten, marking the 200 years re-unification anniversary. Visuals by Philipp Geist

Cathedral in Debrecen (Hungary) as part of "Nights Of Lights Festival". Visuals by László Zsolt Bordos    

"Flow" - Videomapping as a part of Lichtkunstfestival Weilheim, visuals by László Zsolt Bordos Projection site: Gattingerhaus  

"Weilheim Fades" - Videomapping as a part of Lichtkunstfestival Weilheim, visuals by Philipp Geist Projection site: Marienplatz (main square)

Videomapping on Zsámbék Premontre Monastry Church, Hungary. Visuals by László Zsolt Bordos

"Time Drifts Avignion" as Part of "Helios Festival" Avignion, France. Visuals by Philipp Geist

Videomapping city of Brasilia (Brasil). Visuals by László Zsolt Bordos  

Music for: "Nekton", Interactive Installation by Francesco Mancori (Italy). Displayed at Platoon Kunsthalle Berlin

Music and Sound-Design for a permanent audio/videoinstallation at Dormero Hotel Stuttgart. 8 projectors and a 30.2 channel audiosystem created a 360-degree installation, possibly one of the first indoor videomappings worldwide (2012). Visuals by Tina Z. and Daniel Bandke

"Glanzlichter Festival Fürth" music for the videomapping by Philipp Geist, incorporating lyrics from Johann Wolfgang v. Goethe

"Animate V" Installation by Simon Dybbroe-Moller for Art Basel [addtl. recording and sound-design]

"Touch" Interactive, photoelectric and laser-sensor driven, soundinstallation for the BMW exhibition space in central Munich (Karlsplatz/Stachus). Additional sound design and technical supervision/support during opening times

 "Opel VR Room Rüsselsheim" Sound-Design for elements of the in-house immersive presentation-room (Iosono 30.4-channel audio)

"Linear Dome" by Daniel Bandke. 360 Degrees Fulldome Projection for Karl-Zeiss Planetarium and UK Fulldome Festival London  [Honorable jury mention at Fulldome Festival Jena]

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Cinema and TV [full score or featured sourcemusic, addtl. score]

Complete Music-Score:

"Die Wanseekonferenz" (IT-Version) TV-Documentary about the Wansee-Conference of January 1942, comissioned by ZDF

"Feuer und Luft" (cinema) directed by Alexis Ward

Source-music, score-participations:

"Der Namenlose Tag" (Partly, IT version only) directed by Academy Award winner Volker Schlöndorff Featuring Devid Striesow

"Gier" directed by Dieter Wedel for ARD Featuring Ulrich Tukur, Uwe Ochsenknecht, Devid Striesow, Sybell Kekilli [also as music producer / consultant for all source and on-screen music]

"Things to Come" directed by Luciano Zubillaga, featuring Hanna Shygulla

Helen Dorn: "Bis Zum Anschlag" together with Martin Probst

Siska: "Bis ins Grab"

Siska: "Zwischen Kain und Abel"

Siska: "Abgrund"

Siska: "Hass ist ein stiller Moerder"

Der Alte: "Der Mann mit dem Hund"

Der Alte: "Tod eines Dealers"

Derrick: "Das Abschiedsgeschenk"

Derrick: "Gesang der Nachtvoegel"

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WILO Headquaters Dortmund_Music and Sound Design for a permanent , large immersive LED wall indoor installation WILO

300 year-company anniversary Benecke-Kaliko, Hannover.  Visuals by Philipp Geist  

Grand Opening of Tortue Hotel Hamburg, Germany. Visuals by Philipp Geist

Music and Sound-Design for Indoor videomapping Dormero Hotel Stuttgart. Visuals by Tina Zimmermann and Daniel Bandke

Theatre and dance-Theatre music and installations

"Die Villa - der Sprung aus der Welt"_Multichannel audiovideo-installation performed as a part of a theatre piece directed by Jens Schmidl

"Hard Candy" directed by Jens Schmidl - 3 revivals in different theatres in Berlin from 2015 - 2016

"The Wheel of Life" (Das Rad des Lebens). Dance-theatre featuring Kristina v. Eyck [Gasteig Kulturzentrum, Munich]

"Ni, Polare Resonanz-Forschung" . Dance-theatre featuring Lole Gessler

"Dance Macabre". Dance and multimedia-theatre performed in a Berlin cinema, featuring Lole Gessler as a dancer

3D-Audio mixing support

"Mirror" - Outdoor videomapping incl. Iosono spatial audio system (3D audio) at the "Herderkirche" in Weimar, Germany, in close collaboration with audio/video artists "Flightgraf" (Kento Tomiyoshi / Makoto Shozu) from Tokyo, Japan

"Changing Times" - Outdoor videomapping incl. Iosono spatial audio system (3D audio) at the "Alte Oper" (Frankfurt., Germany) in close collaboration with "Karmachina" (visuals) and "Fernweh" (music) as a part of "Luminale 2018" festival.

Live appearances

Mercedes Benz Arena [Soccer Stadium Stuttgart] during the opening ceremony of the world championships in athletics

WMF [Berlin]

Distillery [Leipzig]

Platoon [Berlin]

Prinzregententheater [Munich]

Excalibur Festival open air in the ruins of a castle [Cologne area]

Excalibur Festival open air in Heiligengrabe [Northern Germany]

Ballhaus Naunynstrasse [Berlin]

Eiszeit Kino [Berlin]

Billboard Artspace Gallery [Berlin]

As DJ:

VOOV Experience Open Air / Tacheles Berlin / Olympic Park Munich ["Jahrhundertfeuerwerk"] / Kompressor Berlin / Karneval der Kulturen Berlin / Excalibur Open Air Trance Festival / RAW Tempel u.v.a. ...

Collaborations (Music projects):

Orchestra Obscur [with Rudolf Moser/Einstürzende Neubauten and Roger Döring/Dictaphone ]

Tommi Eckart [2-Raum Wohnung] and DJ Good Groove [Harthouse records Frankfurt] for "Pulse"

Schönhofer & Taido [with Mario Schönhofer]

Steel Cello Ensemble [with Bob Rutman]

Llynn And Run [with Jaap van Haag]


Lectures and workshops given at:

Filmuniversität Potsdam-Babelsberg

University of Tartu, Estonia

Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg

AKM, Arbeitskreis Medien

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Released Music

"Electro Metropolis" CD/Online Cinema and TV production music [Warner Chappell / Enterprises Sonor]

"Electro Swing" CD/Online Cinema and TV production music [Warner Chappell / Enterprises Sonor]

• Pulse: "Surface Tensions" [Vinyl / CD, Harthouse / Warner Music]

• Pulse: "Move Remixes" [Vinyl / CD, Harthouse / Warner Music]

• Pulse: "Bitter Fruits" [Vinyl / CD, Harthouse / Warner Music]

Original Motion Picture Soundtrack: "Gier" [Bavaria Sonor]

Original Motion Picture Soundtrack: "The Sound Of Derrick" [BMG]

Official Soundtrack CD - Opening World Championships in Athletics Stuttgart: "Harmonia Mundi" [Interchord]

"Noise in the Library" with Bob Rutman / Steel Cello Ensemble [LP/CD]

• Llynn And Run ["Godsister" & "Bleeding" Singles]

• Velvet Phoenix [EP "Golden"]


"Why Don't You Answer" [CD- E. Schoener, Crossing Time and Continents, Universal Music]

"Why Don't You Answer" [CD Flashback, MIG Music]

"Call Me A Fairy" [R.I.G.A.]

Sound Branding / Sound Logos

On-hold music: Kanzlei Grundmann / Schüller [] Sound-Logo: Fa. Devolo, Germany

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Company Collaborations

ARD, ZDF, RBB, N24, N-TV, Welt der Wunder, Enterprises Sonor, MostWanted:Music, Dormero Hotels, Degeto Film, Opel Rüsselsheim, Distillery Leipzig, Warner Chapell, Full Dimension (Shanghai, China), Harthouse Records, Stadt Dortmund, Edel Music, Barco Audio, Iosono, Barco Projectors (Kortrijk, Belgien), Tech Open Air /TOA, Ufer Studios Berlin, Nineties Berlin, BMW, Bavaria Sonor, Bavaria Film, Funkhaus Berlin, Volksbühne Berlin, Universal Music, Dane Davis (Danetracks L.A., USA), Genius Loci Festival, Gasteig Kulturzentrum München, Benecke-Kaliko/Continental Hannover, Lichtkunstfestival Weilheim, MIG-Music, Platoon Kunsthalle, Anhaltinisches Theater Dessau, Gerling Versicherung, Ljudbyran (Schweden),, Studio Mitte, Fohhn, ISE Amsterdam, TMT Cologne, B & R Medientechnik, StreamMeUpScotty, MBSR Karin Wolf, Filmuniversität Babelsberg, Tortue Hotel Hamburg, Luminale Frankfurt, Karmachina (Mailand, Italien), Flightgraf (Tokyo, Japan) History Media Filmproduktion, Stadt Bad Homburg, Flughafen München Terminal 2 GmbH, Pasinger Fabrik, u.a. ...

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